Markdown Styling Guide

This document showcases how different Markdown elements are styled for your website. The design maintains your minimal aesthetic while ensuring readability and proper hierarchy.

Text Formatting

Regular paragraph text uses Georgia with a line-height of 1.5 and a line length optimized for readability (65-75 characters per line).

You can emphasize text with italics or bold formatting. You can also indicate deleted text with strikethrough.

For technical terms or commands, use inline code formatting which is distinguished with a subtle background.


Headings use Helvetica Neue and follow a clear hierarchical structure:

Heading Level 1

The main title of a document, used sparingly. It's centered to create a strong focal point.

Heading Level 2

Major section headings that divide your content into logical parts. They have a subtle underline and accent color.

Heading Level 3

Sub-sections within your major sections.

Heading Level 4

Further divisions when needed.

Heading Level 5

Specialized headings, less commonly used.

Heading Level 6

The smallest heading level, for very fine-grained organization.

Links are styled in your accent color: here is a link. They have a subtle underline on hover to indicate they're interactive.


Unordered Lists

  • First item in an unordered list
  • Second item with some longer text to demonstrate how wrapping works with list items and how the bullets align
  • Third item
  • A nested list item
  • Another nested item
  • Fourth item at the top level

Ordered Lists

  1. First item in an ordered list
  2. Second item with some longer text to demonstrate how wrapping works with numbered list items and how the numbers align
  3. Third item
  4. A nested numbered item
  5. Another nested numbered item
  6. Fourth item at the top level

Task List

  • Drink a cup of water
  • Use Zola to build my static blog


This is a blockquote, used for quoting external sources or highlighting important passages. It has a subtle background and a left border in your accent color.

Blockquotes can contain multiple paragraphs when needed.

A meaningful quote from a significant person can add weight to your arguments.

— Attribution for the quote

Code Blocks

Code blocks have a light background, a left border in your accent color, and a copy button in the top-right corner:

// A sample code block
function greet(name) {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;

// Call the function




Horizontal Rules

Horizontal rules create a visual break between sections:

They're useful for separating content when a new heading isn't necessary.


Tables are styled with clean lines and alternating row colors for readability:

Header 1Header 2Header 3
Row 1, Cell 1Row 1, Cell 2Row 1, Cell 3
Row 2, Cell 1Row 2, Cell 2Row 2, Cell 3
Row 3, Cell 1Row 3, Cell 2Row 3, Cell 3


Images are styled to fit within the content area while maintaining their aspect ratio:

An example image An example image with a caption

For larger images:

A large image A landscape image with a wider aspect ratio


Footnotes are useful for additional context without interrupting the main text flow.1 They can be used for citations, clarifications, or tangential points.2


This is the first footnote. Footnotes appear at the bottom of the document with their corresponding reference numbers. 2: This is the second footnote. It can contain multiple paragraphs or other elements if needed.

Like this additional paragraph.

The doublespace class adds extra vertical space when needed.

Putting It All Together

This styling guide ensures that your Markdown content is presented consistently and beautifully across your website while maintaining your minimal, reader-focused aesthetic.